This game is a submission for Ludum Dare 56. View all gamesView submission

Game for Ludum Dare 56 with the theme Tiny Creatures.

Lead your bee colony to a fresh new hive!

Fight off predators and guide a swarm of tiny creatures to pastures new.

Made using PixelBox by cstoquer and P2.js by schteppe

Connect hives by flying to them - the currently highlighted hive will connect to the next one you fly to

The red bugs surrounding the bee are scout bugs - these will fight off the blue hunter bugs that are preying on your colony. Fly near the blue bugs and any scout bugs in your swarm will attack them.

Get 100 bugs from your colony to the Safe Hive - once a bug reaches this special hive it is safe from hunter bugs. Once you've got 100 bugs there, you've won the game (there's something of a new game+ where the Safe Hive is further from the starting point)

Published 2 days ago
TagsLudum Dare 56, nature, Pixel Art
LinksLudum Dare

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